Monday, July 6, 2009

The Hair Blog

I've waited years to write this blog. for years I have wanted to cut my hair but everyone said "No don't" "Your hair is so pretty" "Where it long while you can" blah blah blah, yadda yadda yadda.

Well, On Tuesday, June 29th, My hair gal Joyce was kind enough to come on over to not only cut my hair but Cylers as well. I took a few shots of me with my long hair one last time in the morning. It was the kind of day that I had to stop thinking about what I was about to do. I feared I would flake, only having her trim it up instead of hack it off. The more I sat and thought about it, the more it felt like a sin to cut. The more I felt like I was Brittney losing it in a mall with a set of clippers in my hand. EEP!

I'm emotionally attached to my hair. I've struggled with my weight since I was 9 and body image problems since middle school. When your a chubby chub chubs it's easy to hid behind your long ass hair. It was my security blanket. The longest layer of it had just reached my waistline. Jason loved tugging it all over the place. Cyler loved brushing it. They both loved playing with it.

Now it's gone. It's gone and you know what? It's so damn liberating. It's so damn awesome. That security blanket of mine was weighing me down, in more ways than just the physical weight. I've been busting my ass in getting back to my pre-pregnancy weight and now without those long locks to hide behind I'm working even harder on resurecting my old bod.

For 3 weeks I had been stuck in a plateau. Plateaus suck! You know you're eating right. You know you're busting your butt working out but your body just gets stuck! Well. I kid you not the day after I cut my hair I weighed myself and I had lost 2lbs, all hair no doubt! I pushed myself to do 2.5 miles that day instead of the 1 I usually do. Been hula hooping with Cyler every night which is a blast. We turn on our punk rock and rock out being crazy monkeys and hula hooping until it feels like my hearts going to explode, it's euphoric. I'll tell you one thing, my abs have never been so strong, ever; granted I've still got this gross layer of post-partum-stretched-trying to retract-baby-belly-skin-flab that I doubt will ever go away completely without the help of Dr 90210 but the thought of elective surgery scares the crap out of me so that's just not going to happen. So I continue to work harder, push my harder, and play harder with my monkeys and today I weighed myself again and I am down another two pounds. woot woot. bye bye plateau. bye bye hair.

I was scared I would regret cutting it as soon as it was gone. I was scared I would cut it, and then immediatly focus on growing it out again. Nope. Far from it ladies. I feel like wondergirl. Wondergirl with short hair, and in four weeks, Joyce is coming back to cut it again, and I can tell you now that won't be changing anytime soon.

Love, C.

P.S.: I had no idea so many of you guys would give a rats bum that I was even going to cut my hair, thanks for all the love and support ladies.

P.S.x2: These pictures kinda suck. I hadn't slept much at all the night before, Jason was fussy and didn't give Joyce the opp to style it before she left so this is it right after it dried, and there's a boatload of grays in there. I swear going to Sally's and picking up some Wella is in my immediate future to remedy the grays. I'm just so dang wiped out. But you guys wanted pics so here they are.


Thursday, July 2, 2009

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Isn't he a

Cutie patootie? :)

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Baby baby

I figured it was time to get our flashcard learning on. He sat through the entire set and really seemed to enjoy it. :)

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Laugh Riot

I couldn't decide what to name this blog, it was a toss up between
a) why Cyler doesn't even know hip hop exist. OR
b) why kids rock and you can never have too many, OR
C) why kids rock and you can never have too many AND why Cyler doesn't even know hip hop exist.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Friday, April 10, 2009


Baby loves big Brother, Cyler. Apparently he even loves the way he taste. This was taken via mobile this AM. Cyler went in to kiss the babes head, babe tried to eat him up. :)

brought to you by my mobile.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

If you close your eyes

It's just like being here. :)

Come on

Get happy

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Short baby clip

Little man hanging out, enjoying some SXSW tunes with Mama.

Yeah, I know, I need something that takes better video than my cell phone but at least it works ya know? :-)


I recently changed my blog url and as a result I lost my blog list of blogs I follow when I have the chance to log on here so if you could please reply to this post so I can get back to your blog and re-add you to my list that'd be awesome.

Thanks ladies!

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Things that make me go hmm...

I feel like a bad mum somedays because I take pics of Jase nearly everyday and people probably wonder, "um, what happened to that other boy?"

Well, Cylerman has decided he doesn't want his pics taken any more. I think he just likes torturing me to a degree. Some days he squeezes m&m's or raisins out of me barter some pics but otherwise he's no longer interested. I ponder if this is how Sally Mann felt?

On the other hand. He is totally down with being video taped. Which could very well play into my aspiring filming ideas. *Ponders what kind of camcorders Canon makes*

Mobile posting is cool!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Here It Comes...

I just noticed Jase has a tooth coming in. He's been a little bonkers about trying to shove anything into his mouth to chew on. I've got to buy some teethers, quick! Gah. I can't believe he'll be four months old this Saturday. I'm so engrossed in it, that I'm already missing it!

Sunday, March 22, 2009

The Morning After

He likes it! But he has some growing to do. This is going to turn into a little photography project of mine as he is so small for it now and this exersaucer deal grows with them well into toddlerhood. I'll end up making a photobook of all the pictures of him growing with it. Sorry for the shoddy video, again, it's from my mobile but isn't something better than nothing? I do believe so.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

It only took...

Two hours for me to build. Gah! Mama needs a drink now. It was such a pain to put together but i sure hope he likes it. :)

BTW: This is my first blog post sent via my new mobile, whom I've named 'Sexy Shane' -I have a disease in which I have to name everything, cars, plants, and apparently, even mobiles. I look forward to being able to do this, now at least I can blog again, to a degree.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Hold that head up high

a milestone.
Hold that head up high

Ding Dong the Witch is dead

Spread your wings, get out of bed, ding dong the wicked witch is dead...
This phone, this damn phone. Well her 9 lives are apparently up. We've been through a lot, numerous falls to concrete, a drowning back when flood ElChocolate swept diaper bag nation. I've had this phone since Cyler was 1 and now he is 4. Replacement should be here by Friday, or Monday. Depending on how the UPS driver is feeling. I cannot wait to have something that has a keypad, and isn't possessed by the devil. Farewell phone, hopefully I will not be seeing you on the flip side but it'd be nice if you'd let me turn you on and get my contacts out right quick without going all Jenny Schecter on me. hmph.
dead phone

Wednesday, February 18, 2009



Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Angel lips

*this wee one makes me sigh with love every time I look at him*
angel lips

How You Doin'

The Italian side of me giggles when she tells her 3 (almost 4) year old to say "How You Doin" and he pulls it off, perfectly. ahhh. my son, come, lets slice the garlic, Paulie style.
how you doin'


What you can't see is the fact that huge smile is all about the fact he's using his fingers to make horns on top of his head, oh yeah.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

haha (laugh riot) part II

So, if you all remember Cyler's crazy funny humor about wanting a baby Sister ( it gets better.

The other day he was hanging out with his Dad and Cyler says "Jason is my Baby Brother, You are my Daddy, and Mommy is my Sister."
J' tells Cyler "No, Mommy is your Mommy, not your Sister."
Cyler, "Ah, no, I want a Sister so she's my Sister now."

I analyze everything so being the kind of open minded person that I am (add a handful of lingering pregnancy hormones) of course I believe this may have something to do with a past life regression. Whatever it is this little boy is adamant. It's kinda sad. He loves his baby Brother. But he wants a baby Sister the way most kids who have to live in an apartment that doesn't allow pets wants a puppy. It's so strange to me. *shrugs*

Some day, little man; lets see where we are at in 5 years. ^.^
'Til then, shops closed and the ovaries are on Holiday.

Saturday, January 31, 2009

Animal Rescue: please read, please help

Hi Gang!

This Animal Rescue Site is having trouble getting enough people to click on their "Click to give" box on their rescue site. Each day this site is monitored by their corporate sponsors/advertisers. With each click free food is donated. This doesn't cost you a thing, it is simply their way of advertising in exchange for a donation to feed abandoned/neglected animals. Sounds pretty good to me. So, if you've got an ounce of humanity in you, please head over to their website and click on that little purple box, they are really having a hard time meeting their quota for clicks. And, if you are super awesome, please please spread the word. It's such a small and easy deed but can make such a big difference, and that is the least we two-leggers could do. ^,^

Thanks, you guys Rock!

Animal Rescue:

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Motocross dude

While out on their evening adventure the boys rolled past a garage filled with quads and motocross gear. J' being the Joe friendly that he is ask the man if he has any Motocross helmets that his kids have out grown and he wouldn't mind selling.
Of course he did and out never ending search for finding Cyler a helmet has been fulfilled!!!
Introducing bad to the bones (Literally most days) super cool motocross bike dude:

oh yeah ladies, oh yeah...

Surely I'm Not Alone

::Based on a true story::

You wake up. There's light out, you sleepily drift back off to slumber land when in a panic you realize your baby, whose fresh out of the newborn stage and sleeps in cycles ranging between 2-4 hours hasn't cried you out of bed and it's been 7 hours! Panicky you jump up, making such a clatter with your clumsiness that baby wakes up. All is well, and you wish you could go back to sleep.

-The end...

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

haha (laugh riot)

A friend just sent me a link to her newborns blog.
Cyler is clinging to my side as I check out this adorable baby girl and here's how our conversation went:

"is that my baby Jason?"
"No. that's a friends baby, she's a little girl"
"Oh, she's cute, I want you to have a girl baby too!"

*nervous chuckle*

He's brought this up repeatedly, not that he doesn't like and love his baby Brother, he's been quite adamant about also wanting a sister (give mama a break little dude). Little does he know the thought of doing the deed ever again is, well, no, no no no. You know how Amy Winehouse doesn't want to go to rehab? that kind of no no no. I know I'd love to have one more, much later down the road, I just don't know how that's ever going to happen when the thought of conceiving in anyway, shape, or form makes me a bit nauseated and tight chested. Maybe in my 40's I'll adopt. ;)

Monday, January 12, 2009

sweet baby gods save me

or at least my hearing.

Jason, my poor little babe, has some major issues that leave him wailing everyday (and night). For starters he has a pretty nasty case of seborrheic dermatitis which is causing a horrible looking rash on his face that leaves his skin almost like a tough leather with scales. :( the oozing has has ceased for the most part and if it doesn't clear up by the end of the month our pediatrician believes he has Eczema just as Cyler did as an infant.

Next, also in following Cylers foot steps, Jason has a milk protein intolerance despite the fact that I am breastfeeding. joy joy joy. Soy milk tasting is in my near future *gags*

to top it all off with a big fat cherry, she also believes little man may have Gastroesophageal reflux (GER).

Sweet baby Gods, save me, please, okay, that was WAY over the top for someone like myself. But you get the idea. I can't even manage to shower daily, and some days when I do, it's a treat to have time to wash my hair. Making dinner, I've resorted to the fact that the background music for making dinner is crying baby 90% of the time. I have yet to be able to go grocery shopping, or even go for a walk, a walk you guys, a walk. This poor little baby is SO sensitive because of all of these things that he cannot 'deal' very long with being awake & alert, its too much for him and he starts screaming and has to be swaddled and rocked, have his butt patted, or put in his swing. Which I am not knocking, the swing has been a godsend ~okay, an Amazon send that the pediatrician encouraged to see if it helped with the GER.

My new screen name should be "living dead girl" or zombie mama.

I know it'll get better, I wrote that book, time and time again, it's just ass kicking for now, so very ass kicking, but he's still the most precious tiny being in the planet. He's now 6 weeks, weighs almost 12lbs already! I just wish poor little man would feel better, send him some love and good thoughts if you have it in you.

Much love to you all! I miss blogging (and reading your blogs, along with caffeine and wine, and dairy!).

Monday, January 5, 2009

Palahniuk said it best

"When you have insomnia, you're never really asleep... and you're never really awake." ~the Narrators line in "Fight Club" which boils down to I'm here, but not really. Motherhood is not for the weak. If there is a weak bone in your body the newborn phase sends you to boot camp and straight onto the front lines.

I've read your messages, you women are wonderful. I am blessed to have come across so many wonderfully spirited gentle and loving souls. Your comments and love and encouragement leave me uplifted and put a smile on my face.

Baby Jase is great. Tiring, ass kicking, but beautiful and great. Cyler is great, cheeky as hell but he always has been, luckily he loves his Brother, refers to Jason as "his baby" and Zach, oh my goodness, Zach is just amazing with him, now Zach really believes Jason is "HIS" baby. The love that dog has for that baby is unreal. I almost cry every time Zach gets to slobber all over him because its just one of the sweetest sights I've ever seen.

I'm hanging in there. I found out on the 26Th (4 weeks after delivering) that I had a postpartum infection (endometrosis) and more than likely had had it the whole time which is why I hadn't healed much in the 4 weeks. blah. you get so sick of hearing "that's perfectly normal" you over look whats not perfectly normal. I have my six week exam on the 15Th and we'll see what happens then. I know I haven't completed the birth story but I it's too raw for me, a bit too traumatic to go there and say it out loud. My pelvis is, well, lets just say its not "right" but then how could it be when someone who is barely 5'1 and weighs 125lbs normally delivers a 9lb baby with a 14" head. anyways, enough of that...

what this blog is really about now that I got mini update out for my beloved readers.
I have a disease, a sickness, an addiction...

It started (years ago) with Parenting Magazine, then Good Housekeeping, spread to Redbook, and now it's about to go onto Family Circle and Martha Stewart Living. I cannot stop... Is there a group? Because I seriously may need one. Oh and I forgot to include Readers Digest and the Smithsonian which I already get too. Gah... Deliver me from Magazine subscriptions, help me walk toward the light, save my credit card $5.99 for 12 issues here and $15.99 for 12 issues there plus a complimentary subscription to everyday food, a tote bag, and a cookbook...

the baby stirs, and I am signing off.

Much Love,

ETA: I drop off the mags in brand new condition at the local tiny ass library where they appreciate them, does that make it acceptable??? just wondering if it makes it "okay."